What are the most important indicators when managing Products Teams ?

Pierre-Julien Cazaux
2 min readOct 31, 2023

My clients often ask me what are the most fundamental indicators to follow in Product Management. There is tons of it, but if you really have to start from nothing, here are the one you must start as of today! (Remember: mesurement is the start of any practical improvments)


  • Of your targets (client & users) : You will get precious information about your product and the priority you shall adress
  • Of your stakeholders : You will get precious information on your vision alignement
  • Of the teams : You will get precious information on how sustainable your work environment is.

Delivery performance

Thx Adam Hawkins for the High level analysis of the book Accelerate

  • Lead Time: the time required to go from an initial request to its delivery.
  • Deployment Frequency: deployment frequency is easy to measure and generally reflects batch size (and therefore the risk of error).
  • Mean Time to Restore (MTTR): as software failures are expected, it makes more sense to measure the speed with which teams recover from a failure than the frequency with which they occur.
  • Change Fail Percentage: a rough measure of quality throughout the process.

If you do start having a view on theses numbers, then you will probably discover a new reality and immediatly and feel where you should continue to investigate your efforts (beware of the wide world of indicators ^^).

Convincing and helping organization to thrive toward this “business agility” is part of the Tasmane DNA and this may leds you to meet me or one of my teammate. If you need a hand to manage such topics, or if the subject moves you as much as it moves me, please contact us, we will be please to get in touch.



Pierre-Julien Cazaux

Passionate about new technologies and product design, I constantly seek the best compromise between added value, feasibility and time to market.