We all want to be the better, faster, stronger… But were to start ?

Should I first work “well & fast” or “on the good things”?

Pierre-Julien Cazaux
2 min readNov 7, 2023


Before reading: this article is taking the common view I encountered in many teams day to day. It’s different for a big product launch or a brand image impacting topic. If you would like to ear about this, please let me know in comments.

We all want to be the better, faster, stronger… But from what I experienced you ofter have to choose between :

  1. To be able to do things quickly, repeatably, in a way that withstands failures so that you can do what you want when you want ?
  2. To know how to do the right thing with an interesting level of effort for the targets, the company, and the teams ?

Well, it’s tempting to say “All togeter, and right now!”, but honestly, I have never seen like this… So if you have to choose, then I strongly reccomand (as my entrepreneurial background tells me) be able to experiment quickly without fearing to regret fast (if you want I can tell you more about Tasmane convictions on operational excellence).

Once you won’t depends on software delivery to experiment new things without start a fire in your running business, you will be able to DO things (maybe bad but it’s real) instead of DREAM brilliant ideas on paper but never release it on the market, while your opponent will start earning on an incomplete offer...

Then you will focus on “Work on the good things”, and this is covered by the “Product Mindset” I described the other day. Oh… when you are still here, are you interested to know what are the most important indicators when managing Products Teams?

Convincing and helping organization to thrive toward this “business agility” is part of the Tasmane DNA and this may leds you to meet me or one of my teammate. If you need a hand to manage such topics, or if the subject moves you as much as it moves me, please contact us, we will be please to get in touch.



Pierre-Julien Cazaux

Passionate about new technologies and product design, I constantly seek the best compromise between added value, feasibility and time to market.