Beeing able to (re)compose your offer thanks to multiples products.

4 questions to know if an organization has a “Product” mindset.

Pierre-Julien Cazaux
2 min readOct 24, 2023


Based on most of my clients questions on their understanding of “Product Mindset” or their “Product Maturity”, here are four questions to challenge you or your organisation and know if it is working with a “product mindset” :

  1. Do you locate the value creation in the heart of your way of work ? This requires embodying a vision and paying special attention to the impact on the markets and the tour targets.
  2. Does your business value chain is breaked down according to one or multiples offers? This fragmentation facilitates the appropriation, the integration, or the replacement of products in technical, human, organizational, and, most importantly, business ecosystems.
  3. Does your organization empowers the team to quickly expose its product (experiment, decide, improve, change…) and encourages an “entrepreneurial” posture? This requires allowing the team to take full responsibility for implementation, go to market, maintenance, technical performance, and business success.
  4. Does your organization to provides an environnement auspicious of the above principles, both in terms of the resources and roles given to teams, as well as the involvement of management, HR functions, and regalian IT (architecture / infrastructure / security) ? This is the required conditions for teams and their product to grow.

I will get deeper into each of these dimensions in the next weeks, feel free to already react to these high level but fundamental axes.

Convincing and helping organization to thrive toward this “Product Mindest” is part of the Tasmane DNA and this may leds you to meet me or one of my teammate. If you need a hand to manage such topics, or if the subject moves you as much as it moves me, please contact us, we will be please to get in touch.



Pierre-Julien Cazaux

Passionate about new technologies and product design, I constantly seek the best compromise between added value, feasibility and time to market.